
Wednesday, 8 Feb – Grand Cayman Island

What a great day! After a buffet breakfast, we grabbed beach towels and took the tender into Georgetown. We registered for our tour, then checked out the jewellery store next door, where Larry bought me earrings. The shuttle took us across the island, where we boarded a small boat with 7 other passengers and 4 crew. After a bit of a ride, we arrived at a place where 4 other, larger boats were anchored and many people were standing around on a sandbar. Our captain maneuvered the boat around and was about to settle into a spot, when suddenly he told us to hang on – one of the other boats had come loose and was drifting rapidly toward a crowd of people. The captain there managed to get it under control and carefully extract the boat. Meanwhile, our captain had quickly gotten out of the way to give him space to move. We then parked and got into the water, where we were immediately surrounded by stingrays. This sandbar is called Stingray City, for good reason. One of the crew picked one up and explained it to us, then we all tried holding them, kissing them and playing with them. 

They’d come up and swim against us on their own, rub our backs and legs and accept backrubs from us. Fun. Then we moved to another area where there was a coral garden, anchored, and 4 or 5 of us snorkeled for a bit. The water was quite rough in both places, but that just added to the fun. I usually have trouble snorkeling in rough water, but it was fine this time. We got back to the ship in time for a very late buffet lunch. Our dinner reservation was very late anyway, so this seemed fine. While we were resting up from the morning’s exertions, the restaurant, Cagney’s Steakhouse, called and offered an earlier reservation, which we happily accepted. It was a delicious meal in lovely surroundings. The weather turned bad as we left port and top decks were closed. We were rocked to sleep all night.

Feb 8 - All Photos

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